Yu-Gi-Oh: Da Cursed Cards

One summer afternoon, I was playin tha game Yu-Gi-Oh on tha Internizzle when one of mah thugs knocked on mah door. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I was thankin whoz ass it could be, then I stood up n' went ta tha door n' opened dat shit. There stood a funky-ass boy, da thug was pale as suttin' scared his muthafuckin ass yo. Dude handed mah crazy ass a Gameboy Advizzle game named "Yu-Gi-Oh: Da Cursed Cards" n' dimly holla'd "Please, mister, destroy dat game biaaatch! Don't play dat shiznit son! Yugi is hustlin me!" Dude put tha game up in mah handz n' ran away. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Sucks fo' him, I thought.
So I went upstairs up in mah room n' put tha Gameboy Advizzle game on mah table n' continued playin Yu-Gi-Oh online. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feelin dis shiznit! Maybe I should play dis game, I thought. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I finished mah duel n' took mah DS Lite n' put tha GBA game in. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Well shiiiit, it started up just fine, although there was a minor thang dat I noticed. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Da Yu-Gi-Oh sign was rotted as if dat shiznit was made of oldschool stone.
So I pressed tha start button n' a reversed cold lil' woo wop started ta play. I muted tha Nintendo DS yo, but I could still hear tha cold lil' woo wop playing.. n' you KNOWS dat shiznit was mah imagination n' tried ta reset tha DS but a text box rocked up, sayin "You'll regret that." Despite dis text, I continued playing.
There was a save file named "CURSED". I ignored it n' started a freshly smoked up game fo' realz. As I started it, I saw it wasn't bustin a freshly smoked up file but I was up in tha existin save. I went ta look what tha fuck deck tha user had; as I looked all up in tha cards, tha monstas looked all fucked up n' afraid. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! They was lookin all up in mah face.
There was only six magic cards: "Sacrifice, help, oldschool age, Burn In Hell" n' two others whose names I forgot. I was trippin cuz dem cardz don't exist. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So went ta tha characta selection n' saw five characters: Yugi, Tristan, Bakura, Pegasus n' Yugiz grandfather n' shit. They looked pissed off yo, but Pegasus didn't. Pegasus looked different, bustin a evil smirk.
I dueled Yugi fo' realz. As tha game started tha duel, I saw tha Dark Magician n' Dark Magician Girl was on tha field already n' Yugi had 666 Life Points, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. But suttin' was weird bout them; Dark Magician looked evil, his skin was dark, dat schmoooove muthafucka had black eyes n' red pupils n' his wild lil' fuckin eyes was bleeding.
Dark Magician Girl looked pissed off n' pale as if dat biiiiatch was trippin like a muthafucka. Then suttin' weird happened. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I had "Sacrifice" up in mah hand n' all of sudden tha magic card activated itself. Then I would peep a horrifyin animation; Dark Magician took a knife outta nowhere, stripped Dark Magician Girl naked n' started stabbin her muthafuckin ass.
Bitch started ta bleed n' Dark Magician didn't stop repeatin his thugged-out action. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch yo. Dude only kept on smilin n' laughing. Then tha screen faded ta black, not a god damn thang happened then afta all dem minutes a scream came from tha DS Lite; it made me jump.
Then, when tha duel field came back, I could peep tha field covered up in blood n' Dark Magician Girl was dead n' still bleeding. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So I had "Burn In Hell" n' it activated itself. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So then, I could peep suttin' horrible; Yugi Moto started burning. Yo ass could peep Dark Magician losin control n' stabbin Yugiz eyes out. Then, a text box rocked up saying
"Why did you do dat Nikola, biatch? Why?"
I don't give a fuck ta dis dizzle how tha fuck he knew mah name fo' realz. As I always rap ta mah dirty ass (I know, itz weird), I replied "Sorry."
Yugi holla'd "You'll regret this!" up in a thugged-out demonic voice. Then, tha "Yo ass win" graphic rocked up. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I was busted ta tha characta selection screen; tha reversed noize continuin ta play. Then mah screen faded ta black n' Yugi rocked up on mah screen afta all dem minutes yo. Dude was lookin all up in mah grill wit his black eyes which was bleeding, his skin coal dark. I was straight-up afraid, seein dis shit. I felt so sorry fo' Yugi Moto.
Then I came back all up in tha characta selection n' there I could peep Pegasus smirkin again. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Yugiz grandfather looked straight-up mad salty all up in mah face.
So Pegasus talked wit me, sayin "Dope thang, Nikola-boy; I peep you straight-up gots nuff props fo'torturin people, I be so proud." I was horrified, I aint a sadist son! I would never do dat ta mah playas!
So I replied "I aint aiiight by bustin that, you sick person!!"
"But you just capped Yugi-boy as I see!" Pegasus responded.
My fuckin sanitizzle was bustin thin. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. I couldn't be thinkin straight. I started seein tha dead Yugi Moto on mah closet, n' dat schmoooove muthafucka had some kind of mirror. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I just wanted ta take a funky-ass break. I couldn't stop hearin Yugi sayin "You'll regret this." Eventually it went ta tha point dat I was so disturbed, I destroyed tha game.